Go Green with SOLAR

Double Savings from Tax Incentives and Lower Cost of Electricity

Installation of a 92 kWp Solar System based on Electricity Bill Amount of RM12,000

Estimated Solar System Cost (RM) 446,900
Estimated Monthly Savings from Electricity Bill (RM) 4,711
Standard Corporate Tax Rate 24%
Profit Before Tax (RM) 2,000,000

Savings From Tax Incentives (Capital Allowance and GITA)

Year Tax Payable (RM) Savings From Tax Incentives (RM)
WITHOUT Solar Investment WITH Solar Investment
1 480,000 336,277 143,723
2 480,000 464,984 15,016
3 480,000 464,984 15,016
4 480,000 464,984 15,016
5 480,000 464,984 15,016
6 480,000 464,274 10,726
Total Tax Savings in 6 years 214,512

Save up to 50% of your electricity bill and hedge against rising electricity cost.

Year Tax Payable (RM) Savings From Tax Incentives (RM)
WITHOUT Solar Investment WITH Solar Investment
1 144,000 87,467 56,533
2 144,000 87,467 56,533
3 144,000 87,467 56,533
4 144,000 87,467 56,533
5 144,000 87,467 56,533
6 144,000 87,467 56,533
Total Savings in 6 years 339,198

Return on Investment (ROI) on Solar System based on Double Savings from Tax Incentives & Cost of Electricity


Note : Estimated savings based on a business case study