How to Choose Between String Inverters and Micro-Inverters

Use this simple guide to decide wisely between a string inverter and a micro-inverter.

The decision to harness solar power for your property marks a crucial step towards sustainability and energy efficiency. One of the key considerations in this journey is the selection of the right inverter – the heart of your solar system.

The choice typically boils down to the decision between string inverters and micro-inverters, each offering unique advantages. Let's explore the factors influencing this decision and guide you towards making an informed choice.

String Inverter: The Best Option When...

1. Installation is straightforward

If your solar installation is a simple, direct process, a string inverter will be your optimal choice. This is particularly true for properties with a clear, unobstructed path for solar panel installation.

2. There are no shading issues

In areas where shading is not a concern, string inverters shine. They efficiently convert solar energy when panels receive uninterrupted sunlight, making them an excellent choice for such scenarios.

3. You have a large north-facing roof

For installations with a substantial north-facing roof, string inverters prove advantageous. They capitalise on consistent exposure to sunlight, maximising energy production in such settings.

4. Budget is a primary concern

String inverters typically come with a lower upfront cost, making them an attractive choice for those prioritising budget-conscious solar solutions without compromising efficiency.

Micro-Inverter: The Best Option When...

1. Installation is complicated

In situations where solar panel installation involves varying roof orientations or complex layouts, micro-inverters step in to provide flexibility. Their ability to adapt to different angles enhances their suitability for intricate installations.

2. Shading issues are present

Micro-inverters shine even in shaded environments, where certain parts of the solar panel array may be obstructed. They operate independently, ensuring that shaded panels do not compromise the performance of the entire system.

3. You need to install panels on different orientations

Micro-inverters are ideal for properties where solar panels must be installed on different roof sections or orientations. Their individualised operation allows for optimal energy harvesting, regardless of panel orientation.

In essence, the choice between micro-inverters and string inverters hinges on your property's characteristics and your energy goals. Whether you prioritise cost-effectiveness, shading resilience, or individual panel monitoring, making an informed choice ensures that your solar investment aligns seamlessly with your unique needs. The key lies in assessing your property's specifics, understanding the advantages each inverter type offers, and tailoring your choice to match your solar aspirations.